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As baby learns something new and reaches new milestones almost weekly during his or her first months, new parents often want to capture them to share with loved ones and remember them better later. Monthly baby photos are a sweet way to watch your baby develop, grow and learn month after month. If the baby is photographed on the same blanket or with the same stuffed animal every month, you get an especially good impression of how much the little one has already grown. The ideas for monthly baby photos are numerous. For example, you can keep their monthly baby photos in a lovingly designed app like Meilim and easily create a timeline of their baby's very special moments. Document your monthly baby photo ideas with text and videos and share the timeline with all your loved ones. With Meilim, you'll create a magical keepsake that will allow you to watch your baby grow up over and over again.
You will experience so much with your child. Sometimes you will wish you could stop time, because the little ones because the little ones grow up so fast! All these memories are precious treasures. You can now easily and safely store them and retrieve them again and again - with Meilim
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Zur WebsiteA child is considered an infant, also called a baby, from the 29th day of life until the twelfth month. However, the term baby is also used to refer to children from birth and into toddlerhood. In babyhood, children learn many important new skills and develop strongly. In the course of the first year, they learn to hold their own head, speak their first words and take their first steps. But even infants - like all people - are individuals. They are different and already have unique character traits. Thus, there is a wide range of quite normal variations in how a baby can develop and in which order it can learn skills. For parents in particular, infancy is an exciting time, as there are an incredible number of exciting milestones to experience with their child.
A photograph, colloquially called a photo, is a single photographic image taken with a still camera. A photo can be of a very different nature - an artistic expression, for advertising purposes, for pure documentation or for private use as a memento. When a photo is created, optical processes are used to project a snapshot onto a light-sensitive medium, where it is stored directly and permanently or converted into electronic data and stored. Depending on how it is stored, it is then either an analog or a digital photo. The name photo is composed of the ancient Greek words "photos" for light and "graphein" for painting, drawing, and thus means drawing with light.
A Month is a unit of time with a span of 30 or 31 (in the case of February, 28 or 29) days. A month is a part of the year, where twelve months make a year. Originally the month was derived from the astrological context, there a month designates the time span, which the earth month needs for a complete circumnavigation of the earth. The origin of the name month was based on the lunation, which describes the period of time from the new moon of the Earth's moon to the next new moon. This period varies between 29 days 6.5 hours and 29 days and 20 hours. In the meantime, however, months are largely detached from the phases of the moon, they have a fixed number of days and also no longer begin with the new moon. This was established by the Romans, whose solar calendar is the basis of our present Gregorian calendar. We also owe the names of our months to the Romans, their Latin names have prevailed over the Old European ones.
An idea, in general, non-philosophical usage, refers to a thought upon which one can act, a notion or a new insight or consideration. Often it is an idea that has a new, original, sometimes witty or funny character, which one can put into action. Thus, an idea can also take on the meaning of "plan" and "intention." Also the idea or mental draft to an invention, a work of art or a literary creation one calls idea. In the philosophical sense the idea has a somewhat different meaning which was decisively coined by Plato's concept of Platonism. This describes an idea as a concept or ideal image which can only be grasped mentally and which underlies all perceptible things.
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